We support metatada for annotations on your requests. This way you can store your domain specific information on our store. Every time you send a request with that information, we will save it, and retrieve it for you when you need



Examples of Metadata Parameter

  • Attach your order id inside of a charge to track payments with ease
  • Shipping information is also a good option

Metadata Parameter is a good choice to be passing any information that doesn't concern the action that you're performing.


  "name": "Jon Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "document": "12332112310",
  "phone": "11981234567",
  "description": "Customer for [email protected]",
  "metadata": {
    "origin": "iOS App",
    "order_id": "order_123fdsa"
  "card": {
    "name": "Jon Doe",
    "number": "4100 0000 0000 0000",
    "mouth": 12,
    "year": 2019,
    "cvc": 123,
    "card_name": "Jon Doe main credit card"


  "user_id": 11,
  "card_token": "bd7e54e1-e8ba-4329-84ab-4ad1d4bce5f2",
  "metadata": {
    "origin": "iOS App",
    "order_id": "order_123fdsa"